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St. Mark’s


An important date for your diary

Monday 25th November at 7pm – Rostherne Church

The Licensing and Installation of Rev Robert Thewsey as our new vicar of the new Benefice of Dunham Massey, Rostherne with Little Bollington and Tabley

Nestled in the heart of Dunham Village, you’ll find a charming small church with a warm and friendly congregation, surrounded by the peaceful beauty of the rural countryside.

We invite you to join us at St Mark’s Dunham Massey for family celebrations, moments of quiet reflection in prayer, or any of our delightful community events, where you’ll always be welcomed with open arms.


Sunday worship

9.30 am

Followed by tea, coffee & biscuits in the Geoffrey Seddon room.

All ages welcome.  Join us on the second Sunday of every month for our Sunday School.

Can’t make it this Sunday? Download our weekly sheet

Mockup of Weekly Sheet

Celebrate your

special moments

with us

At St Mark’s, we cherish the opportunity to celebrate your special family moments with you. Whether it’s the joy of a wedding or the profound significance of a baptism, we are here to provide a warm and welcoming environment for these meaningful occasions, ensuring they are filled with love, blessings, and cherished memories. Your milestones are our joy!



Upcoming Events

Sunday School Returns

8th September

Geoffrey Seddon Room
Our young Church Mice of St Mark’s return after the summer break. More details on our Children page.

Harvest Festival

29th September

St Mark’s
Our Harvest Festival takes place. Please bring flowers and vegetables to decorate the church. The service is followed by our Bring & Share Harvest Lunch in the Geoffrey Seddon Room.

Harvest Festival

29th September

Rostherne Church 
The Licensing and Installation of the Rev Robert Thewsey as vicar of the new Benifice of Dunham Massey, Rostherne with Little Bollington and Tabley will take place at Rostherne Church at 7pm.


Sunday Services

9.30 am

25th August
Rev Jane Parry will be presiding for Communion.

1st September
Service of the Word led by Alan and Nigel

8th September
Service of the Word led by Alan Hewitt and Sunday School

15th and 22nd September
Communion Services with Rev Keith Hine

29th September
Communion Service with Rev Keith Hine and our Harvest Festival followed by Bring & Share Harvest Lunch


Sunday school

2nd Sunday of the month

Join us for activities, crafts and worship.

8th September – Daily Bread
We will be learning about how God provides for us

13th October – Harvest Collection
The children will be making a beautiful hamper to donate to Trafford Foodbank 
(This is separate to the Harvest Festival held in church on 29th September)

10th November – Remembrance Sunday
Story time and a craft project

8th December – Christmas Crafts

Help our church thrive

Contact Us

School Lane, Altrincham WA14 4SD

07921 222456